Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Given a number A and a set of given digits D, find the smallest number which is larger than A and consists of the digits only from the set D.

Problem statement:
Given digit[] D, and a number A. Find the smallest number which is larger than A, 
* and is consisted by the digit in D.

For example:
D = [0, 1, 8, 3], A = 8821. Result: 8830
D = [0, 1, 8, 3], A = 8310. Result: 8311
D = [0, 1, 8, 3], A = 12345. Result: 13000

Two steps algorithm:
case 1: some of the digits in the number A are not found in D
1. scan from left to right of the digits in the given number, find the digit is not in the set D, try to replace it with bigger digit in the set D, then replace all rest of the digits in the number with the smallest digit in the set D.

1a. if we can't find bigger digit for the digit not found in D, starting from left neighbor of current digit, scan from right to left, try to replace the digit with bigger digit in set D,

if 1a fail, then generate the smallest number which has more digits than A. 

case 2: all of the digits in the number A are found in D
2. If all digits in the number are found in the set, then go from right to left to scan all digits in the number, find the digit in the set which is larger than it, replace current digit with it and replace all rest of the digits on the right with smallest digit in the set D.

2a. if we can't find bigger digits in D for any digits in A, then generate the smallest number which has more digits than A. 

 * Given digit[] D, and a number A. Find the smallest number which is larger than A, 
 * and is consisted by the digit in D.

For example:
D = [0, 1, 8, 3], A = 8821. Result: 8830
D = [0, 1, 8, 3], A = 8310. Result: 8311
D = [0, 1, 8, 3], A = 12345. Result: 13000

public static int[] findSmallestNumberUsingDigits(int[] D, int source){
int len = 0, copy = source;
copy = copy/10; len++;
int[] digits = new int[len];
copy = source;
digits[--len] = copy%10;
copy = copy/10;
//java uses quick-sort if size is small then actually insertion sort
//step 1
//scan from left to right find the one digit in the number not in D and try to replace it //with larger digit in D
//if succeed set flag to true, then replace the rest of digits on the right with smallest //digits in D
//if failed, then call getNextGreater()
boolean flag = false;
for(int i=0; i<digits.length; i++){
        digits[i] = D[0];

int target = Arrays.binarySearch(D, digits[i]);
int insertion = (target+1)*(-1);
if(insertion == D.length){
//throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not possible");
//now we scan to the left to increase the digit
int k = i-1;
for(; k>=0; k--){
target = Arrays.binarySearch(D, digits[k]);
digits[k] = D[target+1];
i = k;
return getNextGreater(digits, D);

digits[i] = D[insertion];
flag = true;

return digits;

//step 2
//if all digits are in D
//then starting from right, find the larger digit in D than current digit,
//if found, replace current digit with the found digit and replace the rest of the digits on //the right with smallest digit in D
//otherwise call getNextGreater()
int i = digits.length-1;
for(; i>=0; i--){
int target = Arrays.binarySearch(D, digits[i]);
digits[i] = D[target+1];
flag = true;

return getNextGreater(digits, D);

for(int j = i+1; j<digits.length; j++)
digits[j] = D[0];

return digits;


public static int[] getNextGreater(int[] digits, int[] D){
int[] ds = new int[digits.length+1];
ds[0] = D[0]==0?D[1]:D[0];
for(int id=1; id<ds.length; id++)
ds[id] = D[0];
return ds;


  1. Do you consider this test case: D = [0, 1, 8, 3], A = 8911 ?

  2. Yep, it is in step 1 and throw exception. The algorithm is simple, scan from left to right, then scan right to left. ;)

    1. I think for D = [0, 1, 8, 3], A = 8911, it has answer of 10000

    2. ok, i missed the cases where exceptions are thrown which should not be thrown. made the change.

    3. just being curious, where did this problem come from?

    4. It is tricky, but doesn't look like good interview question. Just my 2c.

    5. did some clean up on this blog and source code as well. The reason I don't like this type of question is that it doesn't relate to any basic algorithm, binary search is not important here. While the problem of "Given a number n, find the smallest number that has same set of digits as n and is greater than n." is great, for it tests our knowledge in sort and search.
