Monday, January 19, 2015

Minimum cost of sorting an array of positive numbers

This is a Facebook interview problem which can be found at

Here is the problem statement from the site:
Given an array A of positive integers. Convert it to a sorted array with minimum cost. The only valid operation are: 
1) Decrement with cost = 1 
2) Delete an element completely from the array with cost = value of element

Most of array problem can be solved by 1) dynamic programming which usually has time complexity of O(n^2) or above, 2) sliding window which has time complexity of O(n). Then mixing with these two approach there will be various data structures or algorithms can be used, notably, binary search, stack, queue.

My first try is greedy algorithm:

Start from index at 0, using a sliding window, keep on expanding the window until find a the number which is larger than the previous number.
note the numbers in sliding window are sorted except the last one, supposed its value is k
using binary search to find the minimum index of the item larger than k in the sliding windows
now to make the sliding window completely sorted, we have two choices: 1) delete the last one, 2) decrease all of the items from the minimum index to end of sliding window to k. We can calculate the costs of these two choices, choose the one is minimum and then make change to the array

now we can expanding the sliding window again and repeat the above steps until reaching the end of array

However the above solution is not quite right, per Peng Li's comment below.

My second try is dynamic programming:

The idea is that the final sorted array will always end up with one of the original numbers appear in the array. then all of the larger numbers before this number will be decremented,  
dp(i, j), i is the index of the original array a[], j is the index of the sorted array b[] of unique numbers in the array 
 dp(i, j) = min(dp(i-1, 0), dp(i-1, 2), ... dp(i-1, j)) + cost_of_convert(a[i], b[j])

Final answer: min(dp(a.len-1, 0), dp(a.len-1, 1)..., dp(a.len-1, b.len-1)

public static int minSortCostDP(int[] nums){
Set<Integer> unique = new HashSet<Integer>();
for(int i:nums)
Set<Integer> sortedSet = new TreeSet<Integer>(unique);
Integer[] sorted = (Integer[]) sortedSet.toArray();
int lenA = nums.length,  lenB = sorted.length;
int[][] table = new int[lenA][lenB];
//first row
for(int col = 0; col<lenB; col++)
table[0][col] = Math.max(0, nums[0]-sorted[col]);
for(int row = 1; row<lenA; row++){
 for(int col = 0; col<lenB; col++){
  //either deletion or decrement
  int cost_of_convert = nums[row]>=sorted[col]? nums[row]-sorted[col]:nums[row];
  table[row][col] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
  for(int k=0; k<=col; k++){
table[row][col] = Math.min(table[row-1][k]+cost_of_convert, table[row][col]);
int minCost = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
//last row
for(int col = 0; col<lenB; col++){
minCost = Math.min(table[lenA-1][col], minCost);
return minCost;

//Greedy algorithm approach which is not quite right
package org.blueocean;

public class FacebookQ {
//find the min index of the item in array which large than k
public static int binarySearch(int[] nums, int start, int end, int k){
int mid = (end+start)>>>1;
end = mid;
start = mid;
return nums[start]>k? start : end;
//greedy algorithm
public static int minSortCost(int[] nums){
int cost = 0;
int start = 0;
int end = 1;
int len = nums.length;
while(end<len && nums[end]>=nums[end-1]){
int index = binarySearch(nums, start, end-1, nums[end]);
int cost1 = nums[end];//deletion
int cost2 = 0;
for(int j = index; j<=end-1; j++)
cost2 += nums[j]-nums[end];//decrement
//delete item at index of end by shifting the rest of numbers after end
System.arraycopy(nums, end+1, nums, end, len-1-end);
cost += cost1;
for(int j = index; j<=end-1; j++)
nums[j] = nums[end];
cost += cost2;
return cost;



  1. This doesn't work for 1,5,2,2,2,2

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Here is my idea. In order to sort arr[0,...,n-1], we have to choose an element i, and make it into arr[0,...,i-1]<=arr[i], and arr[i]<=arr[i+1,...,n-1].
    Each time, we choose an i in arr[0,...,n-1], we decrease elements in arr[0,...,i-1] to arr[i] which are larger than arr[i]. And we delete elements in arr[i+1,...,n-1] which are less than arr[i]. In this way, we keep arr[0,...,i-1], arr[i], arr[i+1,...,n-1] ordered. And we further into make arr[0,...,i-1] and arr[i+1,...,n-1] ordered.

    But this costs O(n!) time complexity.

    1. ok, i tried it second time. This sounds very much like dynamic programming problem. So I tried DP.

    2. looks good! You should take this one too. It's similar.

    3. thanks! i will look at it soon since the site is down. Btw, we should continue to look at those adv data structure like segment tree, interval tree, and skip list as well.

    4. hehe. I thought you forget about those things, but focus on lean java. Well, I think you can response on the email I wrote you about segment tree, interval tree, the one with a slide I wrote.
