Here I introduced couple useful generics related design patterns.
1. typesafe hetergenous map, as described in book "Effective Java"
Mostly of time map contains certain type of keys and values, unless you create object as key or values, but if you do that, you lose the control of type checking. Using class literal introduced Java 5, we can create typesafe map. Here is the implementation:
* Typesafe container pattern
public class TypeContainer {
Map<Class<?>, Object> map = new HashMap<Class<?>, Object>();
public <T> void put(Class<T> key, T instance){
map.put(key, instance);
public <T> T get(Class<T> key){
return key.cast(map.get(key));
2. Generified singleton pattern
The idea is to created a typesafe container to hold all of the potential singleton instances. Note this is not a clean way.
* generic singleton pattern
public final static class Singleton<T> {
private Singleton(){}
public Singleton<T> getInstance(Class<T> type){
// check if type is supported if does then return the singleton
return (Singleton<T>)(;
private final static class SingeltonHolder {
private static final Map<Class<?>, Singleton> store = new HashMap<Class<?>, Singleton>(){{
put(String.class, new Singleton<String>());
put(Integer.class, new Singleton<Integer>());
//add all of the supported types here
3. Generic singleton factory pattern
* generic singleton factory pattern
public interface MyInterface<T> {T doSomthing(T arg);
return (MyInterface<T>)IMPL;
/* here we only need one generic implementation */
public Object doSomthing(Object arg) {return arg;